Some images from character designs that I may or may not use. I am debating using the middle
one of the Snake Knight, I may use the design but probably NOT for her. These were when I was developing the project for Cartoon Network, and going back and looking at them now, I still really really like 'em!..I dunno, what do you guys think?
Storyboard artist and Director. I am constantly trying to get better at this art stuff. It is so inspiring to see so much talent, and not the least bit intimidating;) It is so nice to be able to share some of my stories and work for general consumption. It is so important to try and retain the things that gave us such wonder as kids. It is something I strive for in my work, and find that it gets harder and harder to hold onto as the days pass.
Stay thirsty my friends!!!
These are awesome Dave!!!!!!!!! Great designs!!!!! Keep it coming!!!!!